
Q: Is the city of Seattle contributing any funds toward the improvements?

A: Yes. The city has already committed approximately $109,000 to date through Seattle Department of Neighborhood matching grants for Phases I – V.  

Q: Where is the permanent display for donors $2500 and above located in the Village?

A: Yes! We created a unique legacy tree to honor those donors who have made a $2500 or more gift to the Reimagine Magnolia Village project.  It is located outside the Starbucks main front door on West McGraw. To learn more about the legacy tree, please click here.

Q: Is my donation to the Reimagine Magnolia Beautification Project or the Magnolia Village Beautification Forever Fund tax deductible?

A: Yes. Donations to Reimagine Magnolia Village project and the Magnolia Village Beautification Forever Fund from September 8, 2020 and onward are tax deductible due to the Internal Revenue Service’s approval of Magnolia Better Together, the project’s non-profit. Donors who gave gifts on or after September 8, 2020 will receive an email acknowledging your generous donation and receive required information for tax purposes.

For those who are looking forward to charity gift giving before the end of the calendar year or to receive a corporate match, helpful details for donors and your company’s human resources/personnel office are provided below:

Checks should be made out to Magnolia Better Together – MBC. Address is 3213 W Wheeler St #51 Seattle, WA 98199

For federal tax purposes: Magnolia Better Together’s EIN: 84-4570007

Magnolia Better Together is incorporated in the state of Washington. Our UBI is #604657849. Details can be found in the Washington’s Secretary of State’s office.

Q: Do the bistro tables and chairs block the entrances to local businesses?

A: No. Customer/service access, pedestrian safety, and overall streetscape aesthetics drive the location of seating areas. Table and chairs comply with the American Disabilities Act (ADA).

Q: Does the Porous Pave hurt the Magnolia Trees in the Magnolia Village?

A: Porous Pave ™ is an environmentally sensitive, highly permeable, slip resistant, and flexible and durable product used across the country. Seattle’s Department of Transportation arborist has approved the use of the compost-like material.

The LEED qualifying Porous Pave™ material diminishes the deleterious effects of untreated stormwater and allows for water to soak more naturally into the trees planted around the Magnolia Village. Porous Pave™ resists crumbling, cracking, as well as oil, UV rays, transmission fuels and other material that can negatively impact porous paving material. As an eco-friendly surfacing material, it is made of recycled tires, stone aggregate and a proprietary binding agent that is not only highly porous and durable, it protects and nurtures our Magnolia Village trees while making the tree wells safer for pedestrians.

Q: Will we be losing parking spaces?

A: The new parklet area along 33rd Ave. W. will convert the back-in-only parking to standard parallel parking spaces while creating a welcoming public open space for pedestrians and local patrons to enjoy conversations over coffee or dining al fresco.

Q: How will this impact traffic?

A: It won’t, it will improve pedestrian and vehicle safety, particularly on 33rd Ave. W.

Q: How does this project increase pedestrian safety?

A: We have added surface treatment around the currently uneven tree wells. The city of Seattle is fixing buckles in the sidewalks in specific locations. New sidewalks have or will be installed.

Q: What is the overall project cost?

A: We anticipate the initial installation costs for Phases I-V will be over $700,000.

Q: What is the timeline?

A: We are immensely grateful to our generous donors who supported Phase I – V. The Magnolia Beautification Committee is ensuring that Phases IV-V are completed on a timely basis. Annual maintenance of streetscape improvements is an ongoing need of the project and we seek donations to the Magnolia Village Beautification Forever Fund.

Q: How do I keep up with Magnolia Beautification Project news?

A: The best way is to subscribe to the monthly Magnolia Beautification Committee newsletter and/or contact MBC chairperson Cheryl McQuiston, cheryl.aaml@gmail.com, or Jason Thibeaux, Magnolia Chamber Executive Director, jason@discovermagnolia.org.  For past newsletters, click here

Reimagine Magnolia Village